Playfully avant-garde and exhibiting an intriguing sense of humor, PIZZAS offers a puzzle of widescreen imagery, brash pop moments, and road movie ambience. Pakalnina, Latvia’s best-known director, spun this cryptic but airy comedy/tragedy from a news item about two 18-year-old fast-food workers who robbed their employer’s safe and split. (Gene Siskel Film Center)...
A comical story about two brothers living in a countryside trying to solve their problems in their own way. Kris and Otto find themselves in the middle of caricature reality of countryside lifestyle; whether it’s family support, ego bragging, gasoline marketing, or playing music anywhere you go....
Ever since the ice age, skis have been an irreplaceable tool for humans, but due to global tendencies skiing has changed a lot taking us to – urban skiing. The main character reflects the events that skiers have to face in their quest for adventure, overcoming the boundaries and stereotypes set in society. The film is a peculiar mixture of genres, which allows the boundaries of reality and fiction to merge. Storyline is dominated in two sides – ...