El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and politics running since September 2006. It is hosted and produced by screenwriter Pablo Motos. The show aired on Spain's Cuatro channel from launch until June 2011 and is now broadcast on Antena 3. Recurring guests on the show include Luis Piedrahita, Raquel Martos, Marron & "The Man in Black", and puppet ants Trancas and Barrancas. It has proved a ratings success, and has expanded from a weekly 12...
Overview from the season...
The eight-episode series, filmed by The Mediapro Studio during the 2021 MotoGP™ season, followed the riders on and off the track. It features the stars during some spectacular highs, as well as some of the more difficult moments a MotoGP™ rider faces when dedicating your life to such a demanding sport....