Hinatazaka46's variety show following the format of the prequel Hiragana Oshi after the group changed their name from Hiragana Keyakizaka46 to Hinatazaka46. The show started on 7th April 2019 and is aired every Sunday late night 1:05 am JST....
A soothing drama about the daily life of a bear cub....
Hiroto Miyama is an unconventional young lawyer who dances to his own tune and gets a little obsessive. For one thing, he’s only interested in criminal cases, and he will never give up in his pursuit of the truth even if offers only a 0.1% chance of being discovered. Japan’s 99.9% criminal case conviction rate leads the world, attesting to a “highly reliable” judicial system. In other words, once a crime suspect is indicted, prosecutor arguments tend to be accepted hook, line and sinker. In the ...
A golf show named after and starring Sō Takei....