Hosted by The Boulet Brothers, this reality competition show features monster drag artists from around the world competing for a chance to win $100,000 and the title of "Dragula, The World's Next Drag Supermonster". Each week, the competitors are tasked with horror-based makeup, design, and performance challenges meant to test their skills and prove they have what it takes to remain in the competition. For the monsters that fail, grueling mental and physical "Extermination Challenges" await with...
This spin-off series features drag icons from the main show’s previous seasons. They will compete in a grand championship of drag artistry and physical challenges for a $100,000 grand prize, along with the headlining spot on the upcoming world tour and the first ever Dragula Titans crown and title....
Host Monét X Change gathers the funniest people you know to kiki and play some salacious games....
In this two-hour special event from The Boulet Brothers' Dragula, previous drag monsters from Seasons 1-3 return for a chance to earn a spot in Season 4 and $20,000 cash....
After a chance meeting with an attractive stranger, a spellbound admirer returns to the same bar and tries to recreate his first encounter. With each nightly visit, a far more sinister and surreal pattern emerges beneath this man’s naïve attempts....