A story that follows three generations of a rich Serbian Christian family in the 19th century in the north of the then Ottoman Empire in the city of Vranje, who are fighting for survival through various moral crises, facing decline. Forbidden love, intrigue, murder, arranged marriages, revenge, friendship and enmity between Serbs, Albanians and Turks and the endangered position of women at that time...
Two petty thieves struggling to make ends meet are pulled into the criminal underworld, slowly climbing the ranks to become ruthless gang leaders with the power to change history....
The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also maintains his reputation and influence in Vranje, an important Turkish town near the border with liberated Serbia. While Trifun is preparing his two sons to succeed him as the leaders of the Serbian people, he is suffering not only from powerful Turkish beys, but also from his family. Trifun makes difficult decisions that will later affect his descendants, ...
The drama "Spring in January" is a story about families who started hiding in underground chambers during the Nazi occupation of Belgrade. With the help of adventurous profiteer Mark, they produce weapons for the resistance movement. This work continues even after the war, because their "benefactor" releases fictitious reports on German victories in order to maintain underground production and continue to get rich. Marko manages to convince his best friend Crni (Black) to stay hidden in the base...
The film follows the life of Mijo and his family in a poor Croatian village, during the turbulent years of World War II. The non-linear and elliptical plot gradually forms a clear picture that testifies to the eternal cycle of history and the impossibility of a real change in the Balkans....