Set in a struggling Irish language newspaper in Belfast, the series is built around the character of Rob Cullan. a journalist who has left a high flying job in an English newspaper under a cloud. He is persuaded to return to the community he grew up in by the wily newspaper proprietor Diarmuid Black to help rescue his ailing publication....
Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. As her situation becomes increasingly dire, Aisha struggles to maintain hope and dignity against the looming threat of deportation....
Arriving at a new home in Paris, Eve begins to explore the city, wandering through crowds devouring the freedom, with Max drifting around her — a companion, a burden, a mystery. Eve faces and tests herself, tests their bond and the validity of a love that is not maternal. Her quest is to challenge her relationship and her quest for love....
In the near future a young biker leaves his crumbling life in rural Ireland to join a strange 'metal circus' as it tours the cities of Europe. He discovers a dark side to the circus and decides to leave, but finds he is caught between his love of a circus girl and the dark hand of the boss who is determined he stays....
Rats is released from prison and needs to make some money; fast. To his dismay, things have changed dramatically during his absence; his mother no longer has time for him and his ex-bandmates alike. He wishes to help donate towards his obese aunty's trip to Lourdes. He struggles to find a job, yet never fails to find himself in a difficult situation....
Shelley's summer is ruined by the fact that her parents are separating. She withdraws from the real world and lives in her own fantasy world of magic and music....