The story revolves around the love that begins with hatred between Gülcemal, whom his mother abandoned and turned into a dark monster when he was young, and the beautiful Dev, who becomes engulfed in a whirlwind of fire, passion, and storm. In Gülcemal's battle with his mother, will an unexpected love or the years of hatred he has harbored prevail? Will Gülcemal, on this road full of sacrifices, turn from being a cruel hunter to prey out in the open? And what about Deva? When she finally surrend...
Sevgi Ersoy, a famous TV presenter whose career is on the decline, suddenly marries Fikret Alabey, one of the country's leading businessmen. This unexpected marriage shocks everyone. Both Sevgi and Fikret have had unhappy marriages in the past. They now want to live out their second chances, but it won't be easy. Their marriage means their very different families will come together. The cohabitation of these two very different families under one roof will create bigger problems than Sevgi and Fi...
Umut’s nearly perfect life changes after an incident he experiences. While trying to come to terms with himself, he faces an unexpected truth....