Third-year middle school student Yu-yu Kondo lives in Kanazawa city of the country of Kaga. Being unable to reject requests, Yu-yu often gets caught up in his sister's hobbies. When Yu-yu could no longer bear it and ran away from home, he was saved by Megumi Okura. Megumi invites Yu-yu to the Night Amusement Park "Wonder Hill" where her friends gather. The amusement park is where many youths of the Vanguard-centric group "Team Blackout" gather. And this is how Yu-yu encounters Vanguard and was d...
Hashiba Kyouya is a 28-year-old game developer. With his company going bankrupt, and him losing his job, he returns to his hometown. Looking at the success of creators of his age, he finds himself regretting his life decisions as he lay distressed on his bed. As Kyouya wakes up, he discovers that he has traveled ten years back to the time before he entered college. Will he be able to finally make things right?...
Komura starts his school year with a new seat neighbor in homeroom—the bespectacled Mie. Before long, he's nursing a raging crush on his quirky classmate who's always forgetting her glasses! While this might be ideal for Komura to get to know Mie better, will his poor heart give out from the daily strain of being up close and personal with the girl he likes?!...
Al Wayne loves farming — and we don’t mean the video game sim. He wants to be a literal farmer, but in the process of improving his agriculture skills, he somehow winds up maxing out his overall character stats! He’s superpowered in the most unexpected of ways with abilities even the strongest of heroes would envy. Alas, all he wants is an idyllic farmer's life, but with demons and monsters invading the realm, Al may have to take up the mantle of hero just to keep his dreams from withering away!...
Betrayed and on the brink of death, genius exorcist Haruyoshi Kuga still has an ace up his sleeve—a reincarnation spell. With a successful incantation taking him to a new world reborn as Seika Lamprogue into a distinguished wizard family, his only wish is to find happiness. But as Seika’s onmyō art exceeds this world’s magic, will he be able to live an easy, happy-go-lucky life?...