The storyline of the series is inspired by the events of 1994 in Jelgava, when 89 prisoners escaped from Pārlielupe Prison, tens of thousands of people were involved in their search, and mass arrests continued for ten years. dramas of mutual relations, a massive and enigmatic escape is organized, in parallel with the flourishing of the love of the main character and the daughter of the head of the prison and the hopes for a new, beautiful life....
A timid 17-year-old at summer camp finds solace in a group leader’s friendship, but soon realizes his intentions are not innocent....
Seagulls and sea, a breakwater and otherwise nothing but wasteland and cold wind. On the concrete, a chic handbag, scattered high heels and long legs in a tight miniskirt. Vika, a famous model, lies shivering on the cold ground after a heavy night drinking, left behind by a guy in a convertible. Little Mika finds her: she also dreams of becoming a model and Vika is her idol....