This "story for geri" tells the story of a Garuda high school student named Dinda and Geri. Dinda is known as the queen bee of The Satan gang and a child of a member of the DPR, Geri is a student who is quite famous, because of his mischief at school. are sworn enemies, the enmity began during the School Orientation Period. Dinda, who became the Primadona at her school, had a luxurious lifestyle, was always praised, the inversely proportional to her father being a suspect in a corruption case. U...
Battling from the try out ranks to break into first place, Kaliypso Dirgantari must face the top four throne-holders at Bina Indonesia High School: Re Dirgantara, Kenan Aditya, Adinda Aletheia and Aurora Calista. Each propelled by their own motivations, the five fiercely compete for parallel rankings, at least until an epic secret related to the school system is exposed....
When their father, Alpha, calls them home to Indonesia, Sierra, and Ivy, two sisters from different mothers, realize who can revive the declining Alpha company and will replace him as leader. Something that not only Sierra and Ivy wanted, but also their respective mothers, who were Alpha's first and second wives, two ambitious women who could never get along, who also raised their respective two ambitious girls. The battle is about to start!...
Ningsih is forced to marry Sapto by her father. She refuses the arranged marriage and fled away to Jakarta. She falls in love with the person she met on the internet....
After her sister left home, Tari fought alone to save her mother from her abusive father. Tari, which has had a lot of trauma since childhood, is no longer able to withstand this burden. Accompanied by Baskara, a temperamental man who also joined the same support group. Can Tari overcome the trauma she has and no longer keep her tears to herself?...
The story of the twists and turns of love between Geri and Dinda. Dinda's life changed 180º because of her father's corruption, which made her dare to ask Geri, her famous nemesis at school, to be her girlfriend. Geri agrees without realizing that their relationship is the beginning of disaster and the gateway to heartbreak....
Alpha Girl tells the story of the fierce competition between two sisters, namely Ivy and Sierra. When their father, Alpha, calls them home to Indonesia, Sierra and Ivy, two sisters from different mothers, realize who can revive the declining Alpha company and will replace him as leader. Something that not only Sierra and Ivy wanted, but also their respective mothers, who were Alpha's first and second wives, two ambitious women who could never get along, and who raised two ambitious girls on the...
Arya refuses to follow his father's expectations, but he falls in love with Amira, the daughter of his father's superior, who shares the same views as his father. On the other hand, he has to compete with Salim, his former rival who is now his friend. So, what will Arya choose to win? His own dreams, his love for Amira, or his friendship with Salim?...