A story revolving around young aspiring idols who train together to reach for their dreams and an inexplicable encounter that turns Lu Fei into Lu Xiang. Lu Xiang, Bai Ying, Zhang Han and Wei Chi are members of the newly-formed band A.C.E. Lu Xiang is the cute and clueless main singer. Bai Ying is the rapper who is full of passion on the inside but looks cool on the outside. Zhang Han is the main dancer while Wei Chi is the resident boy next door with a gentle personality. Due to an accident, L...
Bloom is an impressionistic sketch of longing, growth, memory and separation. The film intends to portray an experiential landscape of love and loss. Starting in late 90s Beijing, a time when drastic social and economic transformation is taking place, the film attends to the inner world of a young man Mu Ke, and unravels with the dialogue of "exchanging story" between Mu Ke and his younger self. Narratives, memories, imaginations and disillusions flow out into an ocean of pure time....