Little Mom tells the story of Naura (Natasha Wilona), a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda (Teuku Rassya), a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan (Al Ghazali), the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine ...
A 19-year-old girl is forced to marry the son of her parents' business partner due to allegations of an incident that led to the loss of her virginity....
Kaget Nikah is an Indonesian web series directed by Vemmy Sagita and produced by Max Pictures. This web series stars Aurora Ribero, Kevin Julio, Steffi Zamora, and Fero Walandouw. The series premiered on December 23, 2021 on WeTV and iflix....
Arjuna was born as a miserable boy without any strengths. Face, wallet, to his brain, everything is below the standard. One day, a mysterious grandfather gives him a magic spray that transforms his face into a handsome one. Since then, Arjuna's life has changed....
The story of a high school girl named Mimpi who wants to become a cheerleader. She and her friends then struggled to show their existence in the midst of a school situation that likes to fight....
A teenage girl who is not Cinderella is met with a man who brings her shoe next to it so that they can love each other, change friendship from enmity, unite families and get the most valuable value to respect her life and others....
Little Mom tells the story of Naura, a beautiful, accomplished 16-year-old girl who is the pride of parents who aspire to become an obstetrician. Unfortunately, her dreams fall apart due to being pregnant with Yuda, a cool and popular guy at school. The situation becomes even more complicated as Yuda moves to Japan and Naura has to face Keenan, the troublemaker at school but is always there for Naura in times of trouble. Naura also has to face Celine, Naura's tough rival in every way, who also l...
Born with a below-average face, Arjuna received a surprise when he received a mysterious spray that could transform his face into super handsome. Now Arjuna has the opportunity to start a new day with a handsome face, can he use it for good? Or will Arjuna drown in the attention that now floods him?...