As the Arctic changes faster than ever, a team of polar bear guides prepares for an epic journey; a first-ever attempt to follow the bears on the sea ice of Hudson Bay. In this high-stakes high-reward venture, they will document the secret world of bears, a mysterious and disappearing realm that is the bears key to survival. Life on the ice is a critical time for these bears. It also remains undocumented, deemed too dangerous for humans to follow, hinted at only through aerial reconnaissance and...
The Nature of Things is a Canadian television series of documentary programs. It debuted on CBC Television on November 6, 1960. Many of the programs document nature and the effect that humans have on it. The program was one of the first to explore environmental issues, such as clear-cut logging. The series is named after an epic poem by Roman philosopher Lucretius: "Dē Rērum Nātūrā" — On the Nature of Things....