This gripping five-part drama follows a tense police surveillance investigation into a tight knit Manchester community and explores whether it is ever possible to observe the lives of others with true objectivity and zero effect....
Set against the backdrop of 18th century England, a massive pox outbreak, and Jacobite uprising – this is a timely and darkly satirical story of Sir Chauncey Savage and Lady Savage and their blind pursuit of a better life. It is not without a tinge of irony that their family name is the Savages, for this is a Savage House indeed. Filled with duels, decadence, and bloodshed, this is a madcap play on class and power....
A former Marine turned doorman at a luxury New York City high-rise must outsmart and battle a group of art thieves and their ruthless leader — while struggling to protect her sister's family. As the thieves become increasingly desperate and violent, the doorman calls upon her deadly fighting skills to end the showdown....
Haunted by her past, a nurse travels from England to a remote Irish village in 1862 to investigate a young girl's supposedly miraculous fast....