East of Everything is an Australian drama television series which began screening on 30 March 2008 on the ABC. It is produced by Deborah Cox, Fiona Eagger and Roger Monk. Two seasons were produced. East of Everything revolves around a globe-trotting travel writer who returns home for his Mum's funeral to a neglected resort town, Broken Bay, on the easternmost point of Australia. He is challenged by a crooked local council, his brother who is trying to cheat him out of his inheritance, his first...
Echo Point was an Australian television soap opera produced by Southern Star Group for Network Ten on 1 June 1995 until 1 December 1995. The series was devised as an attempt by the Ten Network to rival the opposition soap Home and Away on the Seven Network. The series focused on several families and teenagers in a coastal community, and a key on-going storyline concerned renewed interest in a long-unsolved local murder mystery. Echo Point originally aired at 7:00pm weeknights to low ratings an...