The story of a young and talented musician, Senya. Obsessed with classical music, he dreams of enrolling at a prestigious conservatory. For him, everything in the world looks straightforward and clearcut, as he follows his devotion to playing the violin. However, reality becomes far more complicated when he finds himself caught up in the criminal world of drugs trafficking. Blackmailed into becoming a drugs mule he quickly realizes that his new life of crime is both a social elevator and a quick...
Pensioner Nikolai Nikolaevich sells his apartment and moves to his daughter in New Moscow. Temporarily, of course, until he finds his own place. But there is nothing more permanent than temporary, especially since the funds to buy a new apartment have disappeared. A naive pensioner was robbed by an Internet fraudster who took all the money from the sale of real estate from his card....
It takes one little big eared hero to bring back the sun and smiles to the adult world! Amazing adventures await a fluffy restless animal from a distant orange country when he gets to a small sea town. There he will find friends, home and finally a name. Helped – and hindered! – he will be by a unsociable old gardener, a strange fashionista aunt and her capricious granddaughter, a boy who can’t start talking in any way and his mother, who has a hard time, although she cooks the most delicious ch...
1980, the whole country follows the events of the Moscow Olympics. Vova Rubinstein alone, on the sly, disguises himself as Soviet pop stars and tries to get rich by arranging fake concerts. At one of these concerts, he is exposed by the KGB and recruited as an undercover agent. Now, in order not to go to jail, Vova must fulfill a responsible mission - to find a deadly chemical developed in a secret laboratory on the black market. Vova will have to plunge headlong into the abyss of the spy passio...
Sasha, Pasha and Lesha meet at a therapy course for men traumatized by women. Yes, there are some, because in the world of strong women, many men have lost themselves. But our heroes do not want to be victims, they decide to "go on the warpath" and restore justice. One problem - they are still slobs....
The film follows two student cinematographers who, as the war approaches Moscow, refuse to be evacuated and instead volunteer to be front-line cameramen capturing the horrors of war and heroism of the soviet soldiers. At the same time, we witness another storyline taking place in the US. After the premiere screening of the already completed documentary “Moscow Strikes Back”, one of the members of the Academy Awards selection committee is trying to persuade his fellow colleagues to establish a ne...