A supplementary mini-series of the Meteor Garden series, which consists of three stand-alone episodes that happened at different times before, during, and after Meteor Garden. They are referred to as chapters focusing on each F4 member, except for Hua Ze Lei (Vic Chou). The series was broadcast on the free-to-air Chinese Television System (CTS) (華視) from September 2001 to January 2002 following the main series Meteor Garden, which was broadcast in April 2001. It was followed by the sequel Meteor...
Aided by Liu Bowen's amazing ability to predict the future, Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Mongol Yuan and established the Ming Empire. Yuan Princess Nanfeng, after a failed attempt to assassinate Emperor Yuanzhang, was blinded and sought refuge in the shop of Liu Bowen's good friend, A Tian where she ends up also be-friending Bowen and his sister-in-training, A Xiu. Finding out about Nanfeng's identity, Bowen took her in and sought to restore her sight while keeping her from attempting another as...