"Il testimone" (i.e. The witness) is a tv show created, made and presented by Pif. Every episode consists of a "mini-reportage", filmed through a little camera that Pif brings himself. This makes the spectator feel as if most of the tv filtres are removed and thus they can almost witness the events with their own eyes and feel directly involved in the social messages brought on by the show. Themes vary: they go from interviews to famous individuals, to trips, to the work of associations or even...
In this music competition show, Fabri Fibra, Geolier and Rose Villain hit the streets of Rome, Naples and Milan to find the next Italian rap superstar....
A Late Show with a strong identity that bears the name of Alessandro Cattelan: surprising interviews, monologues, music and guests who face all the challenges, even the most unlikely, but without ever taking themselves seriously....
The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting of a competition amongst previously unreleased songs. The Festival was the inspiration for the Eurovision Song Contest....
A guide to learn about the new italian musical languages loved by the new generations. An "explanation" given by the artists themselves regarding concepts embedded in their songs that turns the spotlight on the importance of dialogue on themes such as love, death, sex, success, nostalgia, democracy and money....