The series revolves around Erwa, a 40-year-old television writer, whose story begins on the night of Baghdad's fall, to show the historical events and political turns that have occurred from 2003 until now....
Farah’s life is upended when she is tasked with working on her ex’s wedding, the man who five years ago got the cold feet and never showed up to their own....
A group of young men and women of different Arab nationalities live side by side in a residential building in Abu Dhabi. The work narrates the daily relationships between them, as well as the differences that may occur between individuals who live under one roof....
The story of a quadrant of Tango dancers as they discuss the difficulties of love and how to deal with one's partner. As they all have different views, they all have different opinions on what to do after a break up. One of them however, has an opinion that is extremely far away from any of their points of view, as she believes that suicide is the perfect thing to do after breaking up with one's lover....
A contemporary social series that takes place in Damascus, and deals with the subject of doubt in the human being when some of its constants in life are shaken....
Assi witnesses his father getting killed in defense of his land, and when he grows into a man, he decides to avenge his father's death. He returns to his village after his discharge from military service, only to find himself facing Nawras Pasha and his strong influence and authority....
The Syrian series revolves around Rima, a talented sculptor who confronts her harsh past and discovers a conspiracy threatening her life and relationships with her friends, especially after meeting new characters linking the present with her memories....
When a lab experiment goes wrong, Benjamin Knight is left invisible while his scientist friends trying to find a formula that will restore his visibility to last the rest of his life....