The telenovella 'Milo' is a modern musical fairy tale. The series tells the story of Milo, a very talented baker's daughter with a golden voice, who is forced to hide her talent from the outside world. No matter how hard she dreams of a life full of singing and music....
Life at university puts the relationship of two highschool sweethearts to the test. Their four dormmates quickly suck them into a world of sex, booze and drugs, but also deep conversations, experiments and (emotional) hangovers....
After the final act of the Vloglab Band, a new and exciting adventure awaits Steffi in 'Move On'. A dance choreographer approaches her with a challenging opportunity: leading a dance school for young people with a difficult home situation. Steffi is very excited to revive her old passion. To raise funds, she and her colleagues participate in a prestigious dance competition. The main prize is a significant sum of money. Although the assignment turns out to be not that simple... Steffi's dance sch...