'De Kotmadam' was a classic Flemish comedy television series, that aired from 1991 to 2024, meaning the show is the longest running Belgian sitcom in terms of time and amounts of episodes and seasons. The series revolves around Jeanne Piens, who owns a small sweet shop in the centre of Leuven and rents out several rooms of her house to students studying in the city. She is a caring type and loves all her students. Her husband Jef Liefooghe works for the city's gardening department. Except for t...
Meet Keelin, Vladimir and Wilko, also known as The Nightwatch, a secret covenant with only one purpose: fight the evil from the underworld....
Robbe and his dog Kosmoo are best friends. When Kosmoo is involved in an accident, he can only be saved by giving him bionic elements. Because of these elements, Kosmoo now has phenomenal powers. A new hero is born....
After monster hits with Jaap Reesema, Olivia Trappeniers, Camille Dhont and Milo Meskens, Regi Penxten and VTM 2 will this fall look for a new strong voice that will become the star of his next single....
'Familie' is the longest running Belgian soap opera. The Van den Bossches originally had an electronics company, later a holding company that included a clothing chain and a sandwich shop. In the meantime, we closely follow the personal lives of the Van den Bossches and their entourage. Grandma Anna and all her children and grandchildren have been through a lot over time and it doesn't look like their lives will become calmer any time soon....