Nytt på nytt is a Norwegian version of the British comedy programme Have I Got News for You, by the production company Hat Trick Productions. The programme is aired weekly on Friday nights. The show is a competition between two panels, where one panelist is permanent, and the other is a guest. The goal is to solve several tasks. The element of competition is largely ignored in favour of the witty remarks and the banter between panelists. The scores are generally overlooked, and have only a brief...
Team Antonsen was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which was shown on TV in spring 2004 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show consisted of four well-known comedians: Atle Antonsen, Harald Eia, Bård Tufte Johansen and Kristopher Schau performing various sketches. The show typically made fun of spoken nynorsk and sami, as well as regional dialects from all over Norway—most commonly from Northern Norway and the cities of Bergen and Trondheim. Celebrities often appeared on the sho...
Uti vår hage was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program which had two different runs on TV in 2003 and 2008 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. The show starred the three well-known comedians: Atle Antonsen, Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The format of the show was one main storyline that would gradually branch off into several separate minor storylines. Two series of the show have been produced, and the second series carries the title Uti vår hage 2. The show has introduced popular c...
Ronny Brede Aase enjoys his life with hamburgers and beer, but also dreams of a long and good life. So he, despite being fat, decides to make a TV show about health....
Brille is a humor-based quiz show where some of Norways best known comedians get to work on seemingly impossible tasks and questions. The answers are often as unexpected and funny as the panel's train of thought....
Tre brødre som ikke er brødre is a Norwegian comedy television show which ran for six episodes during the autumn of 2005 on the Norwegian state channel NRK. It featured noted comedians Harald Eia, Bård Tufte Johansen and Atle Antonsen....
Lille Lørdag was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program that ran on the Norwegian state channel NRK from 1995 till 1996. The show was significant in launching the careers of comedians Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The name reflects the fact it was aired on Wednesday, or "Little Saturday" in the Scandinavian week....
Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. On 8 May 2009, it was announced that Skavlan had been renewed for a second season. It was also announced that the show would no longer only be produced by SVT in Sweden; Skavlan would now be partly produced in Norway...
The taskmaster has invited five of Norway's best comedians to solve a number of tasks....
Storbynatt is a Norwegian talk show and comedy program with Bård Tufte Johansen and Harald Eia....
Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. On 8 May 2009, it was announced that Skavlan had been renewed for a second season. It was also announced that the show would no longer only be produced by SVT in Sweden; Skavlan would now be partly produced in Norway...
Åpen Post was a Norwegian sketch comedy television program that ran on the Norwegian state channel NRK from 1998 till 2002. It was created and hosted by Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen. The show started in a talk show format with interviews and guests but later leaned more towards being a pure sketch show. The show became one of Norway's most popular TV productions though it was the center of criticism due to controversial episodes such as Bård Tuft Johansens "Chicken stunt", involving the th...
Mandagsklubben is a Norwegian satirical comedy program. The program is led by Anne Rimmen, with Else Kåss Furuseth and Dag Sørås as regular panelists. In addition, two guests appear in each show....
Kåre is a youth coach with aspirations to become the greatest football player ever like his idol, Bryan Robson. However, his dreams are starting to take a toll on his relationship with his girlfriend, Anna....
Daniel Jor is a 28-year-old psychiatrist, still living with his mom. He and his friend Ronny have one thing in common, they like searching for metallic objects in the ground. One day they find a jewel with the name "Janne" imprinted. This is the beginning of something big for Daniel. His life will never be the same. He's about to discover a lot of hidden secrets, about himself and others....
Once a great curling star, Truls Paulsen is diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and banned from competition. But when he learns that his old friend and coach Gordon is on his deathbed, Truls, heavily-medicated decides to compete again, in the hopes of winning money for Gordon to have an operation in the US. Truls stops taking the meds and tries to convince his old team mates that he is mentally stable enough to lead them to victory in the Norwegian Curling Championship. But, is it a goo...
Team Antonsen became one of the great comedy success stories of all time for Norwegian broadcaster NRK, which in the end gave comedians Atle Antonsen, Bård Tufte Johansen, Harald Eia and Kristopher Schau the opportunity to stage an arena show at Oslo Spektrum. Over two sold out nights they performed for more than 14.000 people, a feat never before accomplished by comedians hailing from Norway. The show was very well received by the Norwegian press....
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight ...
Once 8 year old Simon gets shrunk down to a microscopic level by a talking teddy bear, he ventures into the body of his ailing grandfather in search of the source of his illness....
In this documentary we meet four friends who start their own production company in the hope of joining the film and television industry. Erik, Idar, Lars and Frode founded the film company AFF....