The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a public one in order to emulate the delinquents in his manga books. On his first day, he's challenged by the school's most notorious delinquent, Iguchi Tatsuya, and ends up beaten and caught by a detective. He finally gains recognition by winning a one-on-one fight against a student from another school, and joins the ranks of delinquents, leading a life of fighting against other schools....
In the heyday of e-sports, “Gunpla Battle” is leading the way in popularity. By scanning their own gunpla and controlling a life-size Gundam projection, they aim to win the national championship. Hiro is the pilot, Takumi is the builder, Kentaro is the programmer, Taichi is the commander, and Sota is the armorer. A variety of crises await these adolescents. Farewells from their friends and conflicts with rival teams. This is a coming-of-age ensemble drama about high school students who gradually...
A short drama in which a slightly complicated family of four talks around the table....
The main character, Tatsuya, who keeps his emotions inside, lived by consuming every day just to save money with a part-time job. One day, he unexpectedly helped Kotona and Yuta in an accident that started from a misunderstanding and the fate of the three began to turn. Yuta who creates clothes and who has a strange fashion, and Kotona who was asked to be a model, and Tatsuya who was forcibly drawn in as a make-up person continue to walk. What is a new life that "changes with encounters"? Eve...
As he nears graduation from university, Hira begins working as an assistant to the popular photographer Noguchi. Witnessing a professional job, he gradually distances himself from Kiyoi, not wanting to get in the way of him as he expands his career as an actor. Hira, who can only think "Kiyoi is a god" and a precious being, and Kiyoi, who wants to be an "ordinary" lover on an equal footing with Hira, miss each other little by little....
Haruko is a single mother. She has an unusual living arrangement. She lives with her son Riku, her friend Aiko and Aiko's boyfriend Sorao. One day, Yuko stays at Haruko's house to attend an art institute for the summer. Yuko is the daughter of Haruko's old friend Tomoyo. They haven't spoken for many years prior to Tomoyo reaching out to Haruko to ask if her daughter could stay with her for the summer. Haruko and Tomoyo have an uncomfortable past....
The story follows Nozaki Haruka, a middle school student who transfers to a new school in a small town because of her father's work. Unfortunately, she becomes a victim of horrific bullying, but since the school will be closing in 2 months after graduation, no one is willing to help her....
Pianist wo Machinagara...