Justice Bao is a Mainland Chinese television series, starring Jin Chao-chun, Kenny Ho and Fan Hung-hsuan. The three actors first portrayed their respective characters in the 1993 Taiwanese hit Justice Bao. Lung Lung from the 1993 series also reprised his role....
Justice Bao stars producer Jin Chao-chun as the Song dynasty official Bao Zheng. Jin reprises his iconic role from the popular 1993 Taiwanese series Justice Pao alongside Kenny Ho, Fan Hung-hsuan and Lung Lung....
Justice Bao is a 236-episode television series from Taiwan, first airing on Chinese Television System from February 1993 to January 1994. The show stars Jin Chao-chun as the Chinese official Bao Zheng in the Song Dynasty. It was hugely popular in Greater China as well as many other countries in the Far East. The series was originally scheduled for just 15 episodes. However, the show garnered high ratings when the initial episodes aired. Due to its popularity, CTS expanded the show to 236 episod...
Chi-Chung Huang is the second son of the Huang family, which owns Taiwan Chao-Lian Group. Chi-Chung and his older brother, Chi-Long Huang, bribe the prosecutor for a death penalty case that his family is involved in. However, the prosecutor changes his mind about the matter. Chi-Chung leads his men to confront the prosecutor, who later falls off an elevated expressway and dies. To lay low for a while, Chi-Chung accepts his brother's arrangement and goes into hiding in the southern region of Taiw...
This is the TVB version 219 episodes of the original 1993 Justice Bao 236-episode television series from Taiwan....
Rare drunken film, featuring Alan Liu and Hsu Buh Liao: as two likable swordsmen, who get injured by the white haired general whilst trying to save a young damsel in distress. As they recoup they invent seafood boxing to prepare them for the inevitable duel with the white haired general...
A disaffected defense lawyer joins the prosecution, and ends up pressing charges on three police detectives charged with dropping a suspect from a four-story window....