The story of Qin Wen Tian, a broken man who seeks revenge for the assassination of his family. He discovers and joins a renowned martial arts sect and meets the former crown prince whose brother had staged a coup and driven him out of the palace. He also joins up with the master's daughter to aid the former crown prince....
It tells the story of a pair of mortal enemies who accidentally became a couple but fell in love with each other in a series of bizarre cases and finally chose to fight side by side....
By order of the warlord Yan Liben, the father and daughter of Yang clan are forced to set a foot to Shennongjia dense forest. In the forest they are attacked by various creatures and are rescued by the wildlings at the moment of danger....
An evil force has trapped the villagers of Qing Ya and spirited them away to a realm in the clouds. There, guarded by fierce dragon-like creatures, they must toil endlessly to satisfy the whims of the cloud-dwelling gods....