The events revolve around the Wali of Justice Stan (Abu Shuja), the just governor who handles the affairs of a state that has lived in the shadow of his justice and generosity of morals for a long time. Illegal Profit draws up a plan to remove the governor and the Minister of Cheb (Badran)...
The events of the series revolve around a miserly man who is married and has a sister who lives with him in the same house, and he has a son who plays in a club. (Bo Habash) works in a clothing store, and he pressures customers to buy from him and not from the neighboring stores, so he sometimes reduces prices to keep away Customers from other stores, one of the customers set him up and stole his money after he convinced him to give him his money to achieve greater gains, and after the police re...
A family comedy series, set in a social context, about the Bu Muteih family - Salem Al Muhtaraj - and his wife Moza, and the relationships between them and those around them....
Kuwaiti sitcome starring Dawood Hussain....
A social comedy about the Gulf society, told through the story of an ambulance and the emergency calls it responds to. It also deals with the many issues of concern to the regular citizen like spoiled meat, politics, and economics....
Corruption in administrations dealt with by comedy....
Awaniess Play...
A social comedy play that sheds light on conscription in Kuwait at the time of the presentation of the play, through the slaves of the fugitive from recruitment, who is arrested and introduced to conscription, and we see what the recruit is exposed to during his presence in the camp....
Kuwaiti Tv Movie starring Dawood Hussain....
A Kuwaiti Comedy Play Starring Hassan Al Ballam....