“Upin & Ipin” is a 3D animated series produced by Les’ Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. and is currently one of the most popular animated series in Malaysia receiving excellent reviews and steadfastly averaging around 800, 000 viewers per episode. The series is actually a spin-off of the company’s debut feature film “Geng: Pengembaraan Bermula”. The series centres on a pair of 5-year-old twin boys, the titular Upin and Ipin, who tell stories of their everyday lives through fun and amusing actions w...
Two best friends, Badrol and Lim went to Badrol's village (kampong) where he grew up, with intentions to experience some long-forgotten true Malaysian life in his Grandfather's durian orchard. However their simple holiday trip is cut short by the discovery of a clue that leads them closer to the legend of the mystery house deep in the forest. Together with their newly found friends, Rajoo the animal-whispering boy, Rose the village beauty, and her two mischievous twin brothers, Upin and Ipin, th...
A 10-year-old orphan girl Aqish has a unique ability to communicate with her favorite cartoon characters, Upin and Ipin. However, all is not well in her world as the orphanage she loves is about to be repossessed by a heartless businessman. Aqish turns to her friends Upin and Ipin to help her find the once famous rock star Awie to help her raise funds to save her home....
This new adventure film tells of the adorable twin brothers Upin and Ipin together with their friends Ehsan, Fizi, Mail, Jarjit, Mei Mei, and Susanti, and their quest to save a fantastical kingdom of Inderaloka from the evil Raja Bersiong. It all begins when Upin, Ipin, and their friends stumble upon a mystical kris that leads them straight into the kingdom. While trying to find their way back home, they are suddenly burdened with the task of restoring the kingdom back to its former glory. With ...