Title Teshin Anusananan is a Thai actor who made his debut as one of the leads in the 2021 LINE TV drama "The Yearbook." He is a student at Thammasat University, studying engineering.
A series that will bring you back to the early 2000 and the deep connection between Phob and Nut when the two of them promised to follow their dreams together. Unfortunately, someone didn't keep the promise and that led to disagreements. There was only pain left between them. Finally, they parted ways. Four years later, the yearbook brings that one friend back again with some truths. In the end, will their friendship, intimacy, and dreams return again or will they have to face the reality and le...
To Raphi, Nopphakao is a "fine lady," simple-minded and dull. He marries her at his mother's request only to please his parents. He thinks they can co-exist peacefully until the time comes for them to divorce. He's left in disbelief, however, when she turns everythings around and he's even shaken by the rebel. To Nopphakao, Raphi—or P'Phi—is her first and only love since girlhood. She can see that he tries to keep her within the limits he's set. A famed gaming god like her will employ every str...
Are you still able to recall those nostalgic days when you'd anxiously anticipate that much-awaited reply from the one you loved? Handwritten letters. MSN Messenger. Blackberry. LINE. Even though times have changed, messages have always allowed us to convey our feelings of love. But while communication helps bring us closer, does it also somehow deepen the distance between our hearts?...
After collision of the moon and the meteorite. "Ken" The former actor try to make way to Bangkok. But when he meet "Q" a boy who survive the disaster and try to go the his hometown Chiangmai. The incredible journey begins....
From the series to cinematic version, a story of friendship and promises between two close friends. Nut and Phop are high school friends, but their friendship breaks from unknown reason. One day, they both meet once again. May be this time they will not separate....