Chess Player is a children's animated series. It was produced in China. The show spans two seasons with 26 episodes in each. The story focuses on the journey of a young gifted chess player, Jiang Liu'er. The first season first aired on CCTV in 2006. The second season, called Chess Player 2, aired in 2009....
The show follows two brothers, Nick & Toby, who discover that they have the power to transform into powerful creatures known as Gormitis. Their two friends Jessica & Lucas join the fight and together they harness the power of the four elements. Now it's up to them to save their world from destruction....
Set in Ancient China, three teenagers are admitted into the most prestigious school of kung fu: the Temple of Shaolin. But they don't know that they are the reincarnation of three Shaolin monks who a thousand years earlier gave their life to neutralize the worst demon. This demon is back now and our three heroes will have to destroy it while initiating themselves with the art of kung fu....