The series is based on the romance novel of the same name, which is originally named Qin He Yi Kan (衾何以堪) by Mu Fu Sheng. The series revolves around the love story between Su Nianqin and Sang Wuyan, who go through difficulties and finally grab their happiness....
For Mu Wan Qing, 1926 would always be remembered as the year that changed her life forever. Bringing her mother's ashes home to be buried, Wan Qing returned to the land of her birth, with no idea of what awaited her once she arrived....
Hurry Up, Brother! is a Chinese variety show based off the original Korean variety show, Running Man. It is created by SBS and co-produced with Zhejiang Television. It first aired on October 10, 2014. This show is classified as a game-variety show, where the MCs and guests complete missions in a landmark to win a race. In 2017, the show officially changed its name to "Keep Running"....
Taking look on the day-to-day work schedule of literary and art workers as the starting point, it uses the three stages of meeting, observation, and dialogue to demonstrate professionalism, moral character, and positive values. To promote the fighting spirit and creative spirit of professionals from all walks of life in a general way....