In a sun-soaked Hawaiian town with a mysterious past, a group of friends is left with a dark secret after a tragic accident. One year later, a member of the group receives a threatening message, and the friends now know that someone intends to make them pay for last summer....
The night of a sorority hazing event, Scotty, a college freshman, must make an impression on the older girl she wants as her “big”. As the night goes on, Scotty realizes how far she’s willing to go to prove herself. Power dynamics are not what they seem....
Baby, a 29-year-old addict in recovery, embarks on a cross country to make amends to those she's wronged....
After hitting emotional and financial rock bottom, best friends Ben and Jordan come up with a scheme to spend an entire year living “rent free” with the help of friends, family and strangers alike in a rapidly changing Austin....
Dragonflies are the deadliest hunters in the animal kingdom...well, second to a pair of girls that feed on creep blood....
The story follows Mira and K, a queer couple with their relationship on the rocks, living out of their van in the Chicago area. As a last ditch effort to escape their desolate life, they plan a bank heist in the small town of Worden, Kansas. However, executing a bank heist amidst a crumbling relationship yields tougher than they thought. As Mira and K adjust to small town living, they realize they must confront the failings of their relationship or lose everything they’ve got left....