The spin-off to the original series 'In aller Freundschaft' focuses on the young doctors in a fictional clinic in Erfurt. In this emotional drama series, hospital staffers and patients navigate life's challenges....
Paula, a young supporting character, studies at the Main Character School and dreams on graduating to become a lead....
For the learning disabled Fleur every day at school is a struggle. On this morning a life-threatening prank of some of her classmates causes extra commotion and now, of all people, Fleur suddenly finds herself the center of attention....
After WWII, Helene is ready to do anything to start a new life. As a young woman, she came to the exciting Berlin of the roaring 20s, wanting to become a doctor, and soon fell in love with a man named Karl. But the course of her life took a drastic, irreversible turn when the Nazis came into power....