A story that spans ten years follows a group of young men and women from their schooldays until the time they enter society as adults. It begins in the year 2005. Bai Yi Han has gotten accepted to a prominent school. She becomes attracted to school genius Lin Xing Ze and with the help of her close friends, she tries to gain his approval. While they fail in the endeavor, they succeed in getting his attention. At the same time, Yang Tian Ran transfers from abroad and becomes acquainted with Bai Y...
Xie Lian, the crown prince of Xian Le Kingdom, successfully ascends to Heaven during his third trial in spite of successive demotions. However, he accidentally breaks the Gold Palace of heavenly officials. With no human worshiping him, Xie Lian has to descend to the secular world to exorcise ghosts, which may help him sustain his divinity....
"When You Are In Love" is fascinating with its extremely small size, detailing the appearance of urban young men and women in different periods of love. Each episode is only about 5 minutes, but they are all independent stories, telling wonderful love with a very short story length The content has become a major feature of the play. In the play, there is a small fortune in love, a small regret for love but not for love, a cooling after quarrel, and a madness for love, reflecting the truest urban...
Qin Yun Sheng is an emergency doctor, who has a house that needs to be renovated and Su Ying is a focused interior designer. They meet because of their participation in a house renovation reality tv show. As they get to know one another, Su Ying gradually opens her once closed heart to Qin Yun Sheng, only to find out that he still missed his girlfriend who had passed away. In order to bridge the seemingly farthest distance between them, Su Ying took the initiative to fight for Qin Yun Sheng with...
Since the anesthesiologist Lu Yan “runs into” her dead college friend Deng Man during a night shift, strange things around her occur successively. As the investigation proceeds, the detective Jiang Chengyi, Lu Yan’s ex-boyfriend from many years ago, is embroiled in it, and the long-hidden truth of eight years is gradually revealed....
Wu Yu, a math prodigy, and Tan Jiao, a mystery novelist, fall in love on a cruise but both suffer memory loss afterward. Wu Yu forgets the days following the trip, while Tan Jiao loses nearly a year and a half. After the tragic death of his sister, Wu Yu abandons his promising future to work as a mechanic in search of the truth. In his quest for justice, he crosses paths with Tan Jiao again....