The series focuses on neighborhood bond, telling the normal yet extraordinary story of a small town. In a small town in 1982, the town’s train station was the one place with the warmest human touch. Every day on the platform, there would be people happily reuniting or sadly parting ways. There was a small photo studio in the town, and its owner Li An-quan had two beautiful daughters—Wen-xiu and Wen-juan. They led a happy life. One day, Li An-quan suddenly left his wife and daughters without sayi...
The memories on the taste buds, are those of growing up, of life, of past recollection, of families. In a sultry morning, on the top floor of an old apartment building in downtown Taipei, where a private kitchen is about to open, the female owner Li Xin-Yue has gone missing, abandoning the male owner of the private kitchen, her boyfriend Ji Wei-Ran, along with the unorganized storefront. In the old town area of Tainan, the roof of the old family Li mansion gets hit by a gusty wind, blowing away...