The tiny planet Flossy floats in a colorful universe populated by alien children of all kinds. Flossy hosts a very special place: the Game Catchers Headquarters! To help the Game Catchers in their mission there’s Mr. Moustache, a nice alien, who has dedicated his whole life to studying games to teach them to new generations. Every day, they go on a mission to explore each planet in the universe, make friends with its inhabitants and discover their favorite games. Each game is different dependin...
A television movie based on the animated series and settled between the first and the second season aired, in Italy, on 23 April 2011. The movie focuses on the Angels attending the Summer School at the Sunny College in Alpinville, where Raf hopes she will not meet Sulfus. The Devils show up at the school and Raf tells Sulfus she has fallen in love with someone else. Meanwhile, the Earthly ones receive the task of refurbishing the Theatre of Princes (Italian: Teatro dei Principi) and organising a...
The plot for this film isn't entirely known....