This star-studded, music-comedy game show from Executive Producer Jimmy Fallon is infused with his one-of-a-kind comedic style and feel-good energy, featuring a carousel of his classic and brand new music-based games, like "Wheel of Musical Impressions," "Musical Genre Challenge" and "History of Rap." Each week, a new group of celebrities go head-to-head and mic-to-mic in a variety of music- and dance-inspired games, sketches and challenges that promise unforgettable -- and hilarious -- performa...
The journey of a book smart teen whose life is forever transformed when he moves from the streets of west Philadelphia to live with his relatives in one of LA’s wealthiest suburbs....
After Jay Leno's second retirement from the program, Jimmy Fallon stepped in as his permanent replacement. After 42 years in Los Angeles the program was brought back to New York....
Former news host and journalist Tamron Hall discusses all things topical and engages those she interviews in thorough meaningful and entertaining conversations....
Kelly Clarkson presents the biggest newsmakers and names in film, television and music; as well as emerging new talent and everyday people who are beacons of hope in their communities....
Talented entertainer and newly-minted EGOT Jennifer Hudson takes on the daytime talk show landscape....
A highly-gifted student sees an opportunity to escape her roots by helping wealthy classmates cheat on key exams, but at great risk to her future....
Chris Hardwick hosts this epic night celebrating all things Halloween, including interviews with Jamie Lee Curtis, Jason Blum and David Gordon about the film Halloween Ends, and special celebrity appearances from Blake Shelton, Terry Crews and more....