The TV series tells the story of a poor family in Mashhad on Nowruz in 1988. The father of the family, who has five sons and two daughters, is asking for someone, and whoever wants to pay him, gives him a color TV instead so that they can sell the TV until the money is in order and if not. After a while, the father travels with the rest of the family and warns Javad that he has no right to touch the TV. Simultaneously with the arrival of Uncle Beiji and his friends, they get stuck watching one o...
Shahrbanoo is the mother of three children who has been sentenced to life in prison for drug trafficking. After 11 years in prison, she is released from prison for a few days to attend her son's wedding. However, this temporary release confronts him with another aspect of his life and that of his family before returning to prison....
The greedy cats of the garden decide to take part in a contest to achieve their dreams, which is the conspiracy of the ruling consultant of the city of cats. Their journey to the city of cats begins, unaware that the ruler of the city wants to take their life and add it to his own life with the help of Graffsor's discoveries and research ......