Stella and her allies battle gale’s army to protect the mysterious “golden island” from her doom...
Angry Birds Toons tells how life is not always easy on Piggy Island. Red and his angry feathered companions, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues and Terence must come together to protect their eggs - and future - of the cunning plots of Bad Piggies. Having only guides for their intelligence and determination, they absolutely must thwart the pigs' advanced technology. Nevertheless, they have a huge advantage... the incredible stupidity of the Bad Piggies! Angry Birds Toons gives life to the character...
Angry Birds Toons tells how life is not always easy on Piggy Island. Red and his angry feathered companions, Chuck, Matilda, Bomb, the Blues and Terence must come together to protect their eggs - and future - of the cunning plots of Bad Piggies. Having only guides for their intelligence and determination, they absolutely must thwart the pigs' advanced technology. Nevertheless, they have a huge advantage... the incredible stupidity of the Bad Piggies! Angry Birds Toons gives life to the character...
Old photographic plates were found from Louejärvi village in Rovaniemi. Young photographer Hilja Paloniemi was given the job to help to clean the photographic plates. It was found out that the old photos were taken by Matti Körkkö in the early 1900s, including pictures of legendary Nätti-Jussi....