Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world....
Walang Matigas na Pulis sa Matinik na Misis (transl. There's No Tough Police to a Strong Wife) is a 2023 Philippine television action comedy series broadcast by GMA Network. The series is based on the 1994 film of the same title. Directed by Enzo Williams and Frasco Mortiz, it stars Bong Revilla, Beauty Gonzalez and Max Collins....
An alien disguised as a human woman must protect Earth from an intergalactic threat while hiding her identity from her husband....
Experience the first three weeks of the groundbreaking action-packed drama that is also the retelling of 'Voltes V,' the most loved anime of all generations, a touching story of love for family amidst the war between humans and the invading Boazanian Forces. The only thing that stands between Earth and its complete annihilation is the Earth's last line of defense- the Voltes team and their super robot, Voltes V....
Special edition for television summarizing episodes 1 to 17 that make up phase 1 of the Voltes V:Legacy TV series. Innovative action-packed TV movie that is also the retelling of 'Voltus V', the most beloved anime of all generations, a moving story of love for family in the midst of the war between the humans and the invading forces of Boazan. Earth's last line of defense, Team Voltus and their super robot, Voltus V, is the only thing standing between Earth and its complete annihilation....
We can always run away from our pasts, but we can never hide from who we truly are. Red is a contemporary dancer who is still trying to escape the real him. The trauma his father left him holds him back from facing the truth. But through dance, Red tries to heal from the past and accept who he truly is....