High school student Denis is an amateur gamer and an ordinary teenager who communicates with network users much better than with his peers at school. When the situation becomes critical, his own video game avatar comes to the rescue. IIIRAM helps the hero gain self-confidence, even if his methods are questionable and his advice is often unethical. Denis aka IIIRAM receives an offer from the world of professional eSports, and his life changes dramatically: the first money, new acquaintances and a...
A young girl is going to a party with her friend. She dressed up, put on makeup, in a word, seriously prepared. This is understandable - at the party there will be a guy to whom the heroine would like to "drive up". But what if there is not enough experience in these matters, and the chosen one of your heart ended up at a party with a company of older girls?...
Lyuba needs help, only she doesn't know about it yet. She's in a trap, married to a man who treats her like an accessory. Once she agrees to go with friends to a psychological training to get relationship with her husband back on track....