A story spanning 40 years that follows the struggles of three generations of farmers and rural cadres. Before the reform, the people of Fengyuan village suffered from starvation in spite of the countless honors that they had received. A higher-up has been sent to conduct inspections in the village, so preparations have been made to supply each household with food and rations that will have to be returned once the inspector leaves. Young farmer Qin Xue'an is appalled at the harsh reality. He mak...
Fire chief Song Yan and emergency doctor Xu Qin were separated by family opposition when they were younger. Now ten years later, they meet again due to their professions. After experiencing life and death together, they manage to find their way back, working together and encouraging each other. They acknowledge each other's individual growth after years apart, but will they be able to overcome the obstacles in their path this time to stay together?...
A father and son represent two generations of policemen as they risk their lives in the war against drugs....
The drug lord "Flying Eagle" suddenly appeared in Linjiang City and used sophisticated ways to escape from being rounded up by public security organizations. Lu Jiang, a young criminal investigation expert, was ordered to investigate the case. Linjiang's Pan and Xu family businesses had always been at odds with each other. Pan Yue Yang is Lu Jiang's uncle and has always wanted Lu Jiang to marry his adopted daughter, Su Pan. Soon, business and crime cross each other, and Lu Jiang is forced to pic...
The series follows the lives of three brothers as they struggle through the turbulent political period before the war. They become part of the first-generation immigrant entrepreneurial path in Qingdao. The story began in 1904 when the Jinan Railway opened and ends with the outbreak of war in 1937....
Secretary Gao Yun Xi leads a group of party members to help mobilize San Quan Village, a countryside village with deep history and culture that is falling behind rapid urbanization. Gao Yun Xi has to rely on her bravery and resources to prove to the villagers that the reforms will benefit the village....
Chu Mu's mother Wen Nan is getting married for the third time, which will give Chu Mu a total of 3 step-siblings. There's Qi Qi, his rambunctious step-sister from his mother's second marriage, who announces that she wants Chu Mu to be her boyfriend. Wen Nan's third marriage is to a super wealthy widower named Xue Mao Xiang who has 2 children from his previous marriages - the spoiled and aloof Xue Yang, and daughter Xue Zhi Li, who returns from abroad to be the mediator of this new unconventional...
Romance gets complicated in modern-day Beijing....
Ye Rutang (Siqin Gaowa), a single-living woman in her late fifties, struggles to maintain a dignified life amid the dangers of Shanghai....
China's first President Sun Yat-Sen and military commander Huang Xing lead the revolutionary Wuchang Uprising in a bid to put an end to the reign of the Qing Dynasty....