Follows the famous actor Dagi who suddenly gets sick and in hospital, with the help of psychodrama, is moving in search of his own identity....
The store is located in today's Belgrade and follows a young couple who, after failed marriages and after only 48 hours of acquaintance, start creating a family. Both from previous marriages and just when they start living together, numerous families, neighbors and friends enter their lives, who with their problems, emotions and adventures show that life always has its witty side. It is this humor that makes this story honest, healing and interesting....
The story of a musician, former drug addict and drug dealer named Slobodan Milosevic....
Dagi is a famous actor, but a heavy drinker. At one point his condition becomes critical and he ends up in the hospital where he is diagnosed with delirium tremens. Having lost sensation in his limbs, incapable of grasping what is happening around him, imagination plays tricks on him, and as he falls into delirium he finds himself in surreal situations. Once he comes round, he realizes that his life has been ruined and attempts suicide. Saved at the last moment, Dagi remains in the hospital over...
The drama "Spring in January" is a story about families who started hiding in underground chambers during the Nazi occupation of Belgrade. With the help of adventurous profiteer Mark, they produce weapons for the resistance movement. This work continues even after the war, because their "benefactor" releases fictitious reports on German victories in order to maintain underground production and continue to get rich. Marko manages to convince his best friend Crni (Black) to stay hidden in the base...