This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine during the waning years of the Ching dynasty. The affairs of this family of doctors/pharmacists (which in those days were one and the same) are intimately linked with social upheavals of the time such as the encroachment of Christian missionaries and foreign imperialism as well as conflicts that inevitably emerge in a large upper class family. Comparable in scope and produ...
Anti-Terrorism Special Forces (2015)...
The movie "Dead Silence" is adapted from the fantasy novel "Zi Buyu". The movie tells the story of blacksmith Lu Li, who after several demon slayings, constantly gets rid of his inner entanglements and becomes a real night wanderer...
Before the young Chen Pi is Er Yuehong’s apprentice, he has become a killer due to a friend’s words, which ends up foreshadowing his fate. Chun Shen, the son of a fisherman, tragically witnesses Pao Tou of Abelmoschus Gang murders his entire family. He turns to Chen Pi and becomes his first customer. This marks the start of Chen Pi’s revenge for Chun Shen....
Wild Desert has enough ingredients to be a cool enough action movie....
Zhao Yumin is a Taek-won-do coach , whose had hard times since his best student Han was killed during an underground championship . Zhao almost gave up when Ling appears at his door , insisting that Zhao must train her for the championships, and became the first woman fighter to lead a man's division....
Gao Ju (Xia Yu) and Zhang Yang (Pu Shu) were best of friends, but they fall in love with Huanzi (Zhou Xun). Huanzi loves both of them and thus they formed an unbalanced trinity. A simple promise not to meet ever again after college ended up in disaster when Gao cannot resist wooing Huanzi again...
There was a 78-year-old man in Shanghai. He wanted to spend the rest of his life to climb 100 mountains. one day, when he was in the southeastern Tibet, he found that there was a Motuo Country in China with no highway leading to it. it was a scenic spot with Menbas living there. The children there should climb over the Himalayas to go to school.... The old man was shocked to learn this. He encountered all difficulties to go there to set up a primary school. With Motuo as background,this film w...
Three wacky tomb raiders search for Book of Yunji, masterpiece of ancient chinese medicine...
The story of Li Dazhao's revolutionary deeds from 1912 to 1927, and the story of the benevolent and revolutionary pioneers who were led by him to devote themselves to the great cause of Marxism...
Yan Huang, a corpse fetcher, and his master, Lao Jiang, come across a bizarre case in Tianshui Village. The two of them dig into their cocoons to find out the truth, and finally catch the murderer who sought to kill people with his money twenty years ago, but used superstition to cover up the truth....
There are old ones and small ones, and the courier station contracted by them even accidentally caught fire and faced compensation. Ma Yuanhao, who was facing a mid-life crisis and had no other options, sought help from a master on the recommendation of his mother. Ma Yuanhao personally went into the coffin to calm down his grievances, and the changes in his family were temporarily changed. Who would have thought that the change would be short-lived, and that there is an ulterior secret behind t...
Yan Yangyi and Bao Hulu strayed into the strange Underworld Town, where they can only enter but cannot leave. Anyone who leaves without authorization will die mysteriously. Although Yan Yangyi doesn't believe in the horror legends all over Yin-Yang Town, he frequently encounters strange things. Will he be able to survive time after time? What was even more unexpected to Yan Yangyi and Bao Hulu was that under the curse, the spooky town has an amazing secret behind it......
A larger-than-life hero, spectacular cinematography and a story originating from a famous Mongolian epic tale, Gada Meilin is the story of a reluctant leader who guides his people to victory against a tyrannical government who wants to steal their land. Highlighting the beautiful scenery of the Mongolian prairie, native music performed by Mongolian superstar Tang Ga-al plus the fascinating local customs and uninhibited character of the Mongolian people, Gada Meilin portrays the unforgettable sym...
The Midnight Inn, a place that operates around midnight, serving as both a mortuary and a rest stop, reopens after ten years, drawing in unexpected guests. Each one claims a strange connection to a corpse that's been dead for years, giving rise to a complex weave of enigmas....