This series takes place at a cutting-edge city hospital. The first season follows Ella, a skilled obstetrician who leads a team of fellow medical professionals. Together, they must perform under immense pressure. The healthcare providers and their patients represent all walks of life and amidst their many triumphs and struggles, laughter and tears occur in equal measure. The thin line between one's personal life and one's professional life becomes increasingly blurred when working such long hour...
This series takes place at a cutting-edge city hospital. The first season follows Ella, a skilled obstetrician who leads a team of fellow medical professionals. Together, they must perform under immense pressure. The healthcare providers and their patients represent all walks of life and amidst their many triumphs and struggles, laughter and tears occur in equal measure. The thin line between one's personal life and one's professional life becomes increasingly blurred when working such long hour...
Love couple Glenn and Yola are trying to build a life in Rotterdam. Although they both pursue their dreams, they find themselves stuck between their own ambitions and their criminal friends and family....
When the owner of the Costa. succumbs to the club's success and has to temporarily go into a quiet retreat to recover, it is up to his staff to keep the club running....
In WWII's final years, a soldier in the German army, a British glider pilot, and a Dutch resistance fighter's paths intertwine. Their choices shape destinies, impacting not only their freedom but also that of others....
Jaap Peter, a lively 16 year old boy, eagerly prepares for his older sister's wedding at their beloved grandfather's country house. As the whole family rallies together to create the perfect celebration, Jaap Peter falls in love for the first time. But when the girl of his dreams is smitten with his younger sister instead, Jaap Peter is disheartened. Through the chaos and tender moments, Jaap Peter learns that his presence and the unbreakable bond of his family are vital in ensuring the wedding'...
Drama set in Twente's textile industry in the 1960s. The young worker Johanna wants to face the social conditions of the time. Their struggle coincides with the economic reconstruction and the arrival of Italy's first workers. Growing tensions between Twente's citizens and the newly arrived Italians lead to the riots in 1961. Along with her new lover Francesco, Johanna is in the eye of the storm....