Set in the Xinhai Revolution era, the story tells of Liu An Shun, a promising escort master in a reputable armed escort business owned by his teacher. He is poised to take over the business from his teacher and marry his daughter. However, his uncompromising follow-the-rules attitude leads him into a series of incidents that causes him to be disgraced. To redeem himself, he moves to Beijing to establish an escort business branch and to prove himself worthy. While there, he faces other escort ma...
The first reality show on detective stories adapted from classic IP. Every episode is based on a classic IP drama. MCs are able to adapt and act out the classic stories in the real scenes. The detective group includes seven MCs, who are encouraged to obtain clues from the unreasonable scripts and amusing games....
In Shanghai in 1941, a spy stationed at No. 76, the secret service during Wang Jing Wei's puppet regime, is in danger of being exposed. At this time, a woman barges into his life with two children, and they must pretend to be a family to keep up a front. Fang Jia Shu and Tao Yu Ling, a woman who was meant to be his wife since childhood, are both agents of the Communist underground. They have to try everything they can to ensure that all the members of their little family "perform well" in their...
20 years of perseverance, hot-blooded teenagers finally become the people's hero....
In the 1990s, on a night filled with thunder and lightning, a small county town called Zhaoyang witnessed the mysterious pursuit and uncertain fate of a teenager. Two other boys who disappeared with him also vanished without a trace. Three years later, one of the boys reemerged as a "little pickpocket," pretending to have lost his memory and returned to his family. Behind the successful recognition, is it a reunion or a continuation of a mistake? Surprisingly, the seemingly reunited family still...
A six-unit story about the dedication and sacrifice of young citizens in different industries....
Amid the upheaval of Chiang Kai-shek’s 1927 coup, young revolutionary Xi Zhongxun defies political terror and emerges as a leader. Inspired by Liu Zhidan’s uprising, he joins forces to establish the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, he strengthens the revolutionary base and fosters its development, earning Mao Zedong’s praise for his loyalty to the cause. After Japan’s surrender, Xi Zhongxun fiercely defends the Northwest, helping to lay a foundation for national progress....
Nineteen years after being dismissed over a national security leak, former officer Wu Yu has lived on the fringes, relentlessly pursuing the truth behind the betrayal that ruined his life. As he uncovers hidden layers of deception, a new officer, Guo Weijie, inspired by Wu Yu’s determination, grows into a leader in national security. Together, they face mounting dangers to reveal the true traitor....
Three generations of the Yan family and their deep connection to ice and snow sports....