Darna is a 2005 drama fantasy action television series based on the Mars Ravelo's fictional character of the same name and a loose adaptation of the 2003 Mars Ravelo's Darna Miniseries by Mango Comics. It aired on Philippine television on GMA and starred top actress Angel Locsin as the iconic superheroine. It premiered in Filipino homes on April 4, 2005 and ended on November 25, 2005. The official title of the series is Mars Ravelo's Darna....
"Kung Mahawi Man Ang Ulap" or Through It All is a Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network we was aired on July 30, 2007 and ended November 9, 2007 under the wing of Sine Novela. This series was the third installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1984 by Viva Films and stars Chrstopher De Leon, Hilda Coronel, Gloria Romero, Eddie Garcia, Michael De Mesa and Amy Austria. The series was aired internationally, with a two-week delay, from August 13, 2007 until November 23...
Alma and Teresa Carrillo are illigitimate children of Basilio who belongs to a rich clan, but they were never accepted by his mother Josefa and his wife Doreen. The sisters never expected any help from their father despite all their suffering. They suffered more when Alma's husband Teddy was killed, leaving in their care her two sons Abet and Jun. When Alma died, only their half-brother Raffy helps Teresa. Teresa fights back and confronts the Carrillos....