Rolie Polie Olie was a children's television series produced by Nelvana, distributed by Disney, and created by William Joyce, Maggie Swanson, and Anne Wood. The show centers on a little roly pollie who is composed of several spheres and other three-dimensional geometric shapes. The show was one of the earliest series that was fully animated in CGI, and the first CGI animated preschool series.Rolie Polie Olie now airs in reruns on Disney Junior. Rolie Polie Olie won a Gemini Award in Canada for ...
Young best friends Stacy and Bradley have a unique ability that allows them to bring their fantasies to life. The kids are able to draw their own cartoons, bringing their imaginations to life. They often use their hand-drawn adventures to help them overcome obstacles they face, whether they involve school, bullies or even their parents. With their drawings, everyday life for Stacy and Bradley can take a turn at any time and become a wild roller-coaster ride. Stacy's overweight dog Frank and Brad...
The town of Myrnam, Alberta forms a non-denominational hospital....