A Day Before Us is a Korean animation series that tells a special and sweet love story of the following four characters; Yeo Reum, Ha Eun, Kim Wook, and Yeon Woo....
Elsword: El Lady is an animated adaptation of Elsword. This adaptation is airing through the official Nexon Korean Youtube channel. Each episode is planned to be about 12 minutes long....
In a society that favors good looks, a high school outcast leads a double life switching between his two bodies that are polar opposites in appearance....
In pursuit of her lifelong dream of becoming a writer, Yumi takes the bold step of quitting her job to focus on preparing for a novel contest. From the Schedule Cell meticulously planning her writing schedule to the Writer Cell tirelessly seeking inspiration and the Cheapskate Cell tightening the purse strings, every cell works diligently to support Yumi in her aspirations. Yet, as worries about the future begin to mount, Anxiety Cell looms larger, casting a shadow over Yumi’s determination. Eve...
Pinkfong and his friends enjoy the magic show put on by three cars in Wonder Village. But when danger appears, Hogi must be brave to save the day!...
Follow PinkFong and Baby Shark’s space journey as they visit mysterious planets to help find the special star for PinkFong!...
In this anime fantasy, Kanglim is a 5th grade Ghost Messenger on a supernatural mission. When he finds himself trapped in a Soul Phone, Kanglim, who has the power to see mystical spirits, must successfully capture one of them to free himself from the trap....