Asakura, a high school student at the bottom of the school caste, was appointed as a member of the school festival executive committee. He plans to go out with Ito Mayumi, a beautiful girl who ranks high in the caste, with the aim of collapsing the caste. The caste collapse plan seemed to be going well, but in the wake of a certain incident, it went in a surprising direction ..!?? The tragicomedy of a strange class collapse begins....
Follows a boy who has lost all hope in life and encounters a group of “Showa Ghost Yankees” with unique personalities....
This contains the side stories during the time the Mankai Company was rebuilt....
After Four Seasons LIVE 2020, the series go to Act 2! The troupe will welcome the long-awaited new member, Utsuki Chikage, and tell the story of the new Spring Troupe's fourth performance....