Bullied by his classmates, Ogino Yusuke lives his life in hell. After becoming obsessed with motorbikes, Yusuke starts attending driving school in secret where he meets Nagumo Yumi, and the two begin dating....
Kujo Rina is a chemistry teacher and the homeroom teacher for the 3rd grade D class at Horai High School. She doesn't have a bond with her students. On the school's graduation day, Kujo Rina is pushed from the 4th floor and falls down. She is able to glimpse a school uniform sleeve on the person that pushed her. At that time, she wonders why she was pushed and that she does not want to die....
Live action adaptation of Masakazu Katsura’s debut manga in commemoration of it's 40th anniversary....
"Tales of the Bizarre: 2024 Summer Special" (世にも奇妙な物語 '24夏の特別編) aired on Fuji TV on June 8, 2024, featuring four intriguing stories: 1. "The Mansion of Remembrance" A woman awakens in a mysterious mansion after an accident, encountering residents with fragmented memories. 2. "Tomobiki Village" A university student visits a secluded village for a friend's funeral, uncovering eerie traditions and hidden truths. 3. "Treasure of Humanity" An artist is recruited by a global organization to pres...